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Dear business and organization leaders of Taos County,

We greatly appreciate you taking the time to fill out the following survey.  We know how busy everyone is!  This will take about 15 minutes - possibly longer if you have a lot to say on the open answer questions.  The information we learn from this survey will help us help you.  We know our business community has unmet needs and could use more support if we are to see Taos County thrive in the years to come.  But without hearing your voices, needs, and struggles, our economic development organizations and local governments won’t be able to develop programming and policy that explicitly addresses your needs.  So help us make sure your voices are heard by answering these questions as completely as you can! PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY BY MAY 17th.

 And don’t worry about who might see your answers. We want you to be COMPLETELY honest.  For this reason, all responses will be compiled and reviewed by a third party and kept confidential.  Results will be presented to the public and our fellow organizations in aggregate, so no one will know how you responded.  Quotes may be pulled from written responses for publication, but will be scrubbed of any information that could be linked to you or the entity you run and we’ll destroy all responses once we’re done.  

Thank you again! We hope you can have a little fun with this. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following industry categories best describes your operation?

Question Title

* 2. What sort of operation do you own or operate (for instance, a restaurant, construction company, or social services provider):

Question Title

* 3. What sort of operation do you run?

Question Title

* 4. Where is your operation located?

Question Title

* 5. What is your ethnicity:

Question Title

* 6. What is your age:

Question Title

* 7. Where does your clientele reside (rate on a scale of  0 - 5 with 0 meaning none of your clientele comes from this geography, 5 meaning most of your clientele comes from this geography):

  0 1 2 3 4 5
Within Taos County
Within the State of New Mexico

Question Title

* 8. If the majority of your clientele resides in a smaller geography than the county (such as within Questa, the Town of Taos, or Taos Pueblo), please list here. If this question is not relevant to you, please skip. 

Question Title

* 9. Does your operation have an online presence?

Question Title

* 10. Do you have plans to increase your online presence in the coming year?

Question Title

* 11. If so, who will do this work?

Question Title

* 12. What are you anticipating the coming 12 months will be like for your operation? Do you anticipate growing, shrinking or staying the same size/scope? Think about things like expanding/contracting space, staff, geography served, etc. What factors lead you to plan for expansion/contraction/staying where you are?

Question Title

* 13. Why did you decide to go into business in Taos County? For example, is your business located here for personal reasons (such as your family being her or quality of life factors), or for professional reasons (such as access to markets, materials, or some other reason location in Taos County might have a professional comparative advantage over location elsewhere)? Tell us as much as you can.

Question Title

* 14. Rate how easily you can find and retain qualified labor from within Taos County

Question Title

* 15. Tell us more about your answer. For example are there particular skills you struggle to access in the local labor market such as tech skills or soft skills?

Question Title

* 16. Rate how easily you can access supplies and equipment necessary for your operation while located in Taos County

Question Title

* 17. Tell us more about you answer. For example, are there particulary types of materials that are more difficult or easier to obtain in Taos County? Is cost or access more of an issue?

Question Title

* 18. Rate how easily you can access professional development resources and opportunities in your field while located in Taos County:

Question Title

* 19. Tell us more about your experience accessing professional development opportunities in your field while located in Taos:

Question Title

* 20. Rate how easily you can access collaborative and networking opportunities in your industry while located in Taos County:

Question Title

* 21. Tell us more about your answer, for example, is it difficult because your industry is so small here, or does being located here have no effect because most of your collaborations happen online, or is it very easy because your industry is large and vital here?

Question Title

* 22. Where is most of your professional network located?

Question Title

* 23. Have you had challenges accessing investment capital (for-profit entities) or foundation and donor funds (for non-profit entities) from within Taos County

Question Title

* 24. Tell us more about your experience accessing necessary financial inputs for your operation:

Question Title

* 25. Rate how easily you can access business support services (such as legal consultation, tax and financial planning support, market analysis, etc.) while located in Taos County:

Question Title

* 26. Tell us more about the ease or difficulty you experience in accessing business support services. Any business support services you cannot find locally and need?

Question Title

* 27. Rate how being located within Taos County helps or hinders your operation in accessing markets (customers) for your services or products:

Question Title

* 28. Tell us more about your ability to access customers while located in Taos:

Question Title

* 29. Overall, do you think it is a benefit or a hindrance to the success of your entity to have it located in Taos County as opposed to somewhere else? Why?

Question Title

* 30. How would you describe the Taos ‘brand’?

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* 31. Does the Taos 'brand' help or hinder you in your own branding/marketing efforts?

Question Title

* 32. Tell us more about how being associated with Taos helps or hinders your entity in branding and marketing:

Question Title

* 33. What transportation infrastructure is most important to the success of your operation? Please rate each in order of importance – with 1 indicating minimal importance and 5 indicating such infrastructure is essential to the success of your operation:

  1 2 3 4 5
Roads and highways
Taos Airport
Santa Fe Airport
Albuquerque Sunport
Public Transportation services (Bus, Taxi, Uber
Bike lanes

Question Title

* 34. What space and event infrastructure is most important to the success of your operation? Please rate each in order of importance – with 1 indicating minimal importance and 5 indicating such infrastructure is essential to the success of your operation

  1 2 3 4 5
Large indoor event spaces
Large outdoor event spaces
Meeting spaces
Industrial spaces
Office space
Retail space
Affordable housing

Question Title

* 35. What utility infrastructure is most important to the success of your operation? Please rate each in order of importance – with 1 indicating minimal importance and 5 indicating such infrastructure is essential to the success of your operation

  1 2 3 4 5
Cell service
Public water system access
Green/ Solar/ EV Charging Stations

Question Title

* 36.  What community services are most important to the success of your operation? Please rate each in order of importance – with 1 indicating minimal importance and 5 indicating such infrastructure is essential to the success of your operation

  1 2 3 4 5
Quality primary and secondary schools
Quality higher education access
Vocational training
Quality Healthcare and Healthcare access
Behavioral Health/ Substance Abuse/Abuse services and facilities

Question Title

* 37. What infrastructural needs are we missing and why are they important to your operation?

Question Title

* 38. Please rate the quality/availability of each transportation infrastructure need in Taos with 1 being poor quality or availability and 5 being high quality or availability:

  1 2 3 4 5
Roads and highways
Taos Airport
Santa Fe Airport
Albuquerque Sunport
Public Transportation (Bus, Taxi, Uber)
Public Parking

Question Title

* 39.  Please rate the quality/availability of built environment infrastructure needs in Taos with 1 being poor quality or availability and 5 being high quality or availability:

  1 2 3 4 5
Large indoor event space
Large outdoor event space
Meeting Space
Industrial space
Office space
Retail space
Affordable housing

Question Title

* 40.  Please rate the quality/availability of our utility services in Taos with 1 being poor quality or availability and 5 being high quality or availability:

  1 2 3 4 5
Broadband service
Cell service
Public water system access
Green/ Solar/ EV Charging Stations

Question Title

* 41.  Please rate the quality/availability of each community service need in Taos with 1 being poor quality or availability and 5 being high quality or availability:

  1 2 3 4 5
Quality primary and secondary schools
Quality higher education access
Vocational training
 Healthcare and Healthcare access
Behavioral Health/ Substance Abuse/Abuse services and facilities

Question Title

* 42. Please explain your highest ratings for infrastructure:

Question Title

* 43. Please explain your lowest ratings for infrastructure:

Question Title

* 44. What business support services are you aware of? What among these have you interacted with?

  Aware of: Receive services from:
Taos County Chamber of Commerce
Taos Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
New Mexico Economic Development Department
Taos MainStreet
UNM-Taos Hub of Internet-based Vocation and Education (HIVE)
UNM-Taos Taos Education and Career Center
Taos County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC)
Taos Entrepreneurial Network (TEN)
Questa Economic Development Fund (QEDF)
New Mexico Workforce Solutions
LANL Foundation
The Loan Fund
New Mexico Small Business Administration (NMSBA)
Northern New Mexico Regional Development Corporation
Sandia Labs

Question Title

* 45. What among these services was most helpful in your development efforts and why?

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* 46. What do you see as the greatest strengths of the Taos County Economy? What do you see as the greatest weaknesses?

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* 47. What else would you like public officials and organizations involved in economic development in Taos County to know about the needs of your operation as they consider policy and program development?

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* 48. Is there anything we failed to ask that you would like to provide comments on?

0 of 48 answered