Youth, Family and Young Adult Perspectives

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* 1. Have you utilized Telehealth for your or your child’s mental health treatment?

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* 2. Have you used Telehealth prior to the pandemic or is this the first time?

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* 3. What type of support or treatment did you access using Telehealth (for example: therapy session, medication check, Wraparound meeting)?

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* 4. What was good or positive about your experience or what do you think are the benefits of using Telehealth for mental health services or supports?

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* 5. Were there any barriers that got in the way of you making the most of your session or anything that you thought was especially challenging?

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* 6. What do you think people need to be thinking about as they consider expanding the use of Telehealth for mental health services for children and youth or making decisions about when and how to use it or in what situations?

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* 7. Are there any concerns or barriers for you and your family regarding technology, devices or connectivity when using Telehealth?

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* 8. Are there any tips you have for providers as they try to engage youth and families in Telehealth services?

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* 9. Are there any tips you have for other youth or families if they are new to or are considering using Telehealth services?

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to share?