Stroud Public Library 2024

Annual Patron Survey

Thank you for your support!
If you would like to join the Friends of the Library, please contact us here.
1.Which of these library services have you found to be well done?
2.Which of these library services have you found to need improvement?
3.Which of these library services do you feel is most important to the community or to you?
Choose top 3.
4.Which of these library services do you feel is least important to the community or to you?
Choose top 3.
5.How often do you...
Less than once a month
A few times a month
More than once a week
Come to the Library
Visit the Library online
Use a Library computer
Use the Library wifi
6.Do you have access to any of the following at home? Please check all that apply.
7.Why are the library computer services important to you? Please check all that apply.
8.Would you use/participate in additional library services/programs?
Choose top 3.
9.Please tell us a little about you, the persons using the library. Check all that apply.