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* 1. Overall, how do you rate the quality of the Southwest Ohio Forum on Transportation and Direct Support (DSP) Workforce Crisis session?

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* 2. This session has increased my knowledge.

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* 3. The content was organized and easy to follow.

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* 4. I had time to ask my questions or comments.

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* 5. How was the registration process?

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* 6. What was the highlight of this session?

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* 7. How could your experience have been improved?

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* 8. A follow up session will be held on March 15th, with a specific focus on those with the most significant communication, behavior, and sensory challenges.   What questions would you like addressed in this next session?

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* 9. Other comments

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* 10. I would like DODD continuing education units (CEUs) and/or a Certificate of Attendance.