Gear and Merchandise

DC Tri Club strives to offer the best quality, options and pricing for all our branded Louis Garneau gear and to also offer a range of DC Tri Club merchandise to our members. The following questions are intended to give us some insight into the Shop.

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* 1. Have you ever made a purchase through the DC Tri Shop for Gear or Merchandise?

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* 2. Has anything kept you from making a purchase either in the past or currently?

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* 3. How likely are you to purchase Gear or Merchandise from the club store in 2015?

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* 4. Please describe your experience with regard to your past PURCHASES on the shop. Do not include answers for membership kits; ie shirt/ towel/ water bottle, etc that come when joining/ renewing club membership. Check all the apply.

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* 5. Because our LG gear is custom ordered, we can not keep all styles and sizes in stock at all times in the shop, therefore we place group buys spaced throughout the year. How has this affected your purchases?

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* 6. On occasion, we offer an LG Fit Kit at club events to try on for sizing and style selection purposes, in those instances, check all that apply;

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* 7. Are there any items you would like to see included in our Shop?

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* 8. How can we improve your experience?