Expression of Interest: Identity-based Cohorts Collective Healing for BIPOC Staff / Anti-racist Accountability for White Staff

Please answer the questions below to express your interest in the upcoming cohort of Identity-based Cohorts Collective Healing for BIPOC Staff / Anti-racist Accountability for White Staff offered through the Criminal Justice Investment Initiative's Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
Would you like to join a consistent brave space to explore tough structural topics that impact the professional service world alongside peers? As a follow-up to our Trauma & Safety in the Hood: Explorations of Self and Community Healing offering, we are forming race-based cohorts to unpack the challenging work that is needed to improve organizational and service cultures.
About the cohorts:
This bi-weekly seven-part virtual workshop consists of two closed-group cohorts:
1) BIPOC Collective Healing Cohort
2) White Anti-racist Accountability Cohort 

Cohorts will explore the following thematic topics through the context of structural racism: 
  • Anti-Blackness
  • White Supremacy Culture
  • Intersectionality
  • Trauma and Healing
  • Violence and Safety
  • Radical Hope
There will be a joint convening at the end of these bi-weekly explorations where both groups will meet and discuss the insights they have gained over the course of a few months with the goal of building cross-racial relationships for liberation.

The info session will be on Wednesday, September 28th from 10am-11am. The deadline to submit the Expression of Interest form will be on Friday, October 7th.

The series will kick off in mid-October and will meet bi-weekly on Wednesdays, from 10:00am-11:30pm. 

If you have any questions about the form or cohorts, please contact Nathalie Lebron at
1.What is your full name?(Required.)
2.Please include your email below: (Required.)
3.What organization are you affiliated with? Staff of CJII grantees or subcontractors are eligible to apply to this cohort. (Required.)
4.What is your position/role/title?(Required.)
5.How do you describe your racial background?(Required.)
6.Did you participate in Trauma & Safety in The Hood? (Workshop information found here.) Please note: It is not a requirement to have attended this workshop to apply. (Required.)
7.Will you attend the info session on Wednesday, September 28 at 10am-11am?(Required.)
8.Do you anticipate needing any type of accommodation to participate? You may describe here or reach out to
9.This offering requires a commitment of 6 sessions over 3 months, with work between sessions. Commitment and attendance are critical to the Identity-based cohorts success. Based on your cohort, please indicate your ability to attend the following session dates (check all that apply). We encourage you to hold these times in your calendar.(Required.)
10.Is your supervisor supportive of your participation in this cohort series?(Required.)
11.Do you give us permission to email your supervisor? If so, please provide your supervisor’s name and email to send confirmation of your participation.(Required.)
12.Please rate the following (Required.)
Not at All
Very Little
To a Great Extent
I can describe my social identities, including race, and how my social identities relate to my life experiences.
I am conscious of ways that structural racism impacts today’s nonprofit field.
I risk my own comfort in order to bring attention to inequities or microaggressions in my organization.
I am on a journey of healing from racial trauma.
At this time, I have space in my life to unpack challenging topics and conversations.
I feel connected to others in the work of undoing racism and creating equitable communities.
13.What resources have been influential on your path to anti-racism? (people, books, concepts, media, etc)(Required.)
14.Please share what you hope to gain from cohort participation.(Required.)