We want to hear from you!

Each year Council conducts an annual community engagement survey.
In response to what we heard via the 2023 survey results, we implemented an action plan of which progress is reported on each quarter. The action plan for the April reporting cycle is available here (go to April Council agenda report on this matter).
By completing this 2024 survey, you'll help Council to monitor what's changed, what's improved and what we still need to focus on.
There are no right or wrong answers, it is just your opinions that we are after. All information will be used solely by the Council to inform future planning and delivery of services.
This survey is intended to be completed by those who live in, or pay rates to, the District Council of Mount Remarkable.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey - we value your time and opinions, and this will help council plan for the future. If you have any questions about the survey, please email postmaster@mtr.sa.gov.au or call Council on 8666 2014.