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You may be aware that Department of Communities and Justice have agreed to review with the PSA how workers compensation operates in the Department. 

Whilst several cases have been of a high profile leading to media attention and a subsequent review by SIRA, the PSA wants to hear from you about any experiences you have had with a workers compensation claim. 

The PSA will keep the information confidential, however, there is an optional question where you can provide your information if you need further assistance or require further information. 

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* 1. Have you made a workers compensation claim since 2012?

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* 3. What type of injury did you experience?

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* 4. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience gaining provisional liability (first 12 weeks) for my injury, an experience that I was supported by my employer"

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* 5. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience gaining provisional liability (first 12 weeks) for my injury, an experience that I was supported by the insurer"

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* 6. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience gaining full liability for my injury (essentially agreement that work was the cause of your injury as deemed by the Worker Compensation Act 1987) , an experience that I was supported by the employer"

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* 7. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience gaining full liability for my injury (essentially agreement that work was the cause of your injury as deemed by the Worker Compensation Act 1987) , an experience that I was supported by the insurer"

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* 8. Were you advised at any time that you can challenge liability decisions regarding income payments and medical assistance with a lawyer?

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* 9. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience in calculation of my weekly compensation (PIAWE) clear and supported by the employer and insurer"

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* 10. If you had to take a short period of workers compensation (e.g. one day to attend pathology for a blood test), did you have a reduction in your pay for hours worked for the entire week or fortnight of pay, and not just your compensated period for time away from work?

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* 11. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience in accessing medical benefits/support (access to specialists, pharmaceuticals, allied medical professions) was clear and supported by the employer and insurer"

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* 12. Please advise how you agree with the following statement, "I found my experience in being provided with a rehabilitation provider of my choice was clear and supported by the employer and insurer"

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* 13. Were you advised at any time that you can choose your own Treating Doctor, Specialists, rehabilitation provider to assist with injury management and return to work?

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* 14. Overall were you supported or hindered in your recovery and return to work by your employer?

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* 15. Overall were you supported or hindered in your recovery and return to work by the insurer?

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* 16. Overall were you supported or hindered in your recovery and return to work by the rehabilitation provider?

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* 17. If you could improve the workers compensation system at your work, from your experience, what would you improve?

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* 18. If you would like the PSA to Contact you to follow up any of this information please leave your details below.