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100% of survey complete.

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1. What role do you play in youth sports organizations (check all that apply)?

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2. Which of these do view as the biggest challenge to the future of youth sports?

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3. Aside from coaching the sport, which of the following do you do feel is most critical for youth coaches to teach our young players?

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4. As a parent of a young athlete, do you generally feel you receive adequate value for the cost participating in youth sports (including clinics, travel, private training, registration fees, etc)?

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5. Aside from mandated background clearances, do you feel the authoritative figures (coaches, club presidents, referees, etc) are adequately equipped to handle such leadership positions both on and off the field in youth sports?

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6. Do you feel the stakeholders (players, parents, coaches, etc.) in youth sports would receive VALUE if leadership positions were trained beyond sport (I.e. leadership workshops, collaborative forums, EQ training)

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7. Let's get to know you, first name please:

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8. Please provide your email address to be added to the waitlist: