Kehilat Shalom Calgary

Question Title

* 1. Which service(s) did you attend?  (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following aspects of Kehilat Shalom's High Holidays services.  For any items you are unable to evaluate, select "N/A". Feel free to add any comments (up to 100 characters per comment) to provide us more information.

  Excellent Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor N/A
Rosh Hashana service(s)
Yom Kippur service(s)
Sermon(s) - subject, length, etc.
Prayer book (Machzor - Artscroll)
Rabbinical leadership of services
Congregational music and singing
Cantorial music
Your ability to follow along and participate in prayer
Length of services
Balance of Hebrew and English in service(s)
Children's program
Friendliness/Helpfulness of Volunteers
Social interaction with other members

Question Title

* 3. What did you like about High Holiday services?

Question Title

* 4. What changes or improvements would you recommend?

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how would you rate 2018 (5779) High Holidays services at Kehilat Shalom Calgary?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything else you’d like to share about Kehilat Shalom or its High Holiday services?