
Please complete the following.

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* 1. For 2020-2021 officer nominations (officer terms begin June 1, 2020):

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* 2. I would like to submit a nomination for the Chair-Elect position.  This is a 3-year commitment (chair-elect, chair, past chair).
Candidates for this position should have prior Executive Committee experience (elected or appointed).

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* 3. I would like to submit a nomination for the Delegate position.  (This is a 3-year commitment, with the option to run for a 2nd term).
Candidates for this position should have prior Executive Committee experience (elected or appointed).

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* 4. I would like to nominate for the Treasurer position.
Note: This is a 2-year position.

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* 5. I would like to nominate for the Nominating Committee position.
Note:  This is a 2-year position.

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* 6. I would like to nominate for the national Academy ballot.

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* 7. If you are nominating yourself, please add a short explanation of why you would like to run for office.

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* 8. Please add any comments or additional information here.

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* 9. If you are nominating someone else, please add your name and email address: