Thank you for sharing your feedback on Coursera’s Help Center! Your input will help us plan Help Center updates, including adding new information and improving navigation.

This survey is anonymous (not linked to your Coursera courses or account), and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete.
The following questions ask about your general experience using Coursera. Your responses will help us understand how well the current Help Center serves learners who are interacting with our platform in different ways. 

Question Title

* 1. I use Coursera:

Question Title

* 2. As a Coursera learner, I have:

Question Title

* 3. As a Coursera learner, I have:

Question Title

* 4. Based on your overall experience with Coursera, including browsing courses, taking courses, interacting with peers, etc., how likely would you be to recommend Coursera to a friend?

The following questions ask specifically about your experience using Coursera's Help Center resources, including help articles, contact forms, and support forums. 

Question Title

* 5. I visit the Coursera Help Center:

For questions 6-11, select the response that best describes your experience during your most recent visit to the Coursera Help Center.

Question Title

* 6. I was looking for content related to (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 7. I was looking for content that provided:

Question Title

* 8. I found the information I needed to answer my question or solve my problem:

Question Title

* 9. Did you use Coursera's contact form to request help from Coursera?

Question Title

* 10. Did you post in the learner support forum to request help from your peers? 

Question Title

* 11. I felt that Coursera: 

Question Title

* 12. Based only on your experience with Coursera's Help Center, how likely would you be to recommend Coursera to a friend?

Question Title

* 13. Please elaborate on any of your responses above, or share additional feedback related to the Help Center.

Feel free to tell us more about the technical issue or question that brought you to the Help Center, but note that we can't respond individually to support requests submitted through this feedback form.

The following question is optional:

Question Title

* 14. Would you be interested in participating in follow-up surveys and focus group discussions related to Help Center improvements? If so, please provide your email address below so we can contact you.