Welcome to this AEPC survey

Dear education or training lead,

We are in the process of trying to assess the training structures in place in different European countries (AEPC member countries) for congenital cardiology. This is really important work as there may be very different levels of support for training of congenital cardiology fellows between different jurisdictions.

We hope by collecting this data on different countries and training centres within each country that 
  1. it will give us a clear picture of how training varies from country to country and within each country in different centres,
  2. we may be able to identify countries where there is limited support and resources to train congenital cardiologists and
  3. if we can identify areas which need further support we may be able to establish links to support those countries and institutions.
We would be really grateful if you could help fill this in as best as possible. If there are questions which do not relate to your country please ignore and fill in the questionnaire as best as you can.

The deadline to complete the survey is 15 April 2021.

We are very grateful to you for your help with collecting this important data.

Best wishes,

Colin McMahon, Ruth Heying, Ornella Milanesi
On behalf of AEPC
14% of survey complete.