Pre-screener to be considered

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* 1. Address

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* 2. Please indicate which of the below applies to you. Please select all that apply.

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* 3. Do you know what type of esophageal cancer it is?

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* 4. Do you know the stage of the esophageal cancer you or your loved one has been diagnosed with?

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* 5. Can the esophageal cancer you or your your loved one has been diagnosed with, be entirely removed with surgery?

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* 6. What is your and your loved one’s current age?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. Please select your ethnic background?

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* 9. How long ago was you or your loved one diagnosed with esophageal cancer?

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* 10. Is you or your loved one currently receiving, or has previously received, any of the following treatments for esophageal cancer?

  Current Treatment Previous Treatment
Nivolumab (Opdivo)
Pembrolizumab (Keytruda)
None of the above/ I do not remember

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* 11. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all comfortable and 10 is completely comfortable, how comfortable are you in sharing your or your loved one’s esophageal cancer story?

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all comfortable and 10 is completely comfortable, how comfortable are you with using technology like a personal computer and smart phone to find images and respond to questions?

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 13. Are you willing complete a couple of exercises prior to and after the telephone interview?

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* 14. Do you have any employment, professional or other legal obligations which may restrict you from openly discussing your views on therapies for esophageal cancer?

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* 15. Are you or is any member of your family directly employed by any pharmaceutical company, government regulatory agency, pharmaceutical, advertising, media or market research agency?

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* 16. Our client would like the research to include one or more video recordings of you telling us your and your loved one’s story. Your face may to be visible during the recording. You are not required to disclose any information about yourself other than what you are willing to share about your loved one’s esophageal cancer story. Are you willing for us to share such recordings with our client so that they have a deeper understanding of the experience of individuals with esophageal cancer directly from their voice or video recording?

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* 17. We are required to pass on to our client details of adverse events that are mentioned during the course of market research, as the pharmaceutical company commissioning this research has a legal obligation to report this as part of their ongoing benefit risk management. Although what you say will, of course, be treated in confidence, should you raise an adverse event that you (or your loved one) experienced during the discussion, we will need to report this, even if it has already been reported by you directly to the company or the regulatory authorities. Are you willing to participate in the interview on this basis?

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* 18. In case you mention an adverse event during this market research, we would file a report without giving any of your details, but if the Drug Safety Department requires more information, would you be willing to waive the confidentiality given to you under the Market Research Codes of conduct specifically in relation to that adverse event, so they can contact you directly for further information? Please note that if you provide your name during the Adverse Event reporting, this will not be linked in any way to the responses given during the market research and everything else you say during the course of the interview will continue to remain confidential.

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* 19. As the patient, we would be happy to have your actively engaged caregiver participate in this interview with you. Are you willing to share the following with your care giver and have him/her as a co-respondent