Family-Centered Services Survey


The information on the pages to follow is being requested from alcohol and other drug treatment providers in Illinois licensed to serve women and children programs. DASA will use this information for two primary purposes: 1) To obtain baseline information about Family-Centered Services in the state, particularly information that we currently do not track (i.e., the use of evidence-based practices, workforce status, agency demographics, etc.), and 2) To create a directory for treatment providers and providers of adjunct services (mental health, prevention, etc.) to make referrals. The survey is due to DASA on or before June 4th.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us about your agency.

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* 2. Administrative Contact Person

These questions assume the survey will be completed at the agency level. If your agency has multiple sites with family-centered service programs, you may choose, based upon the configuration of the agency, to either 1) complete the survey once for the entire agency, or 2) have each site complete the survey separately. Make sure that if each site completes the survey separately, the site name is included on page 1 (the second question on the top line). Questions about this issue should be directed to Lisa Cohen at or (312) 814-8781.

Completion of the survey requires about 30 minutes/45 minutes of time. The nature of this survey tool is such that the agency may have different staff work on different questions and that it will probably require multiple sessions to complete.

Please consider while answering the questions that family-centered treatment is a comprehensive strategy that addresses the biopsychosocialspiritual nature of substance use disorders. It is a highly individualized, gender-responsive treatment of substance use disorders for women. Gender-responsive treatment is predicated on the distinctive characteristics of the female physiology and women’s roles, socialization, experiences, and relative status, in the larger culture. Gender-responsive treatment is trauma informed, strengths based, and relational (Grella, 2004). For treatment to be responsive to women also requires that the focus of treatment is organized around maintaining affiliations and creating healthy connections to others, especially children and other family members. Such treatment provides a full range of services to address the array of problems women with substance use disorders, their children, and other family members. Family Centered Treatment for Women with Substance Use Disorders: History, Key Elements and Challenges, (SAMHSA, 2007).

In addition to the family-centered services questions on this survey, there are two questions we are collecting from all providers.

Question Title

* 3. Does your agency use trauma-informed approaches?

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* 4. Does your agency have an established partnership with any primary health care organizations?

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* 5. Does your agency identifiy as a family-based treatment program?

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* 6. Does your agency currently serve families?