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* 1. Welcome to our Draft Street Food Policy survey. The survey should take just 5-10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us make sure our policy settings reflect the Darwin community's needs.

Firstly tell us a bit more about you... (tick as many as you like)

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* 2. Have you read our Draft Street Food Policy? (download here)

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* 3. In the assessment criteria section of the draft policy, we have listed the following as underpinning values of the policy. Please rate how important you feel each value is in creating an active vibrant street food culture in Darwin. 

  Low importance Medium importance High importance
Diversity - unique, innovative culinary experience to increase street food options
Innovation - creative presentation of vehicle and menus
Quality - promotes fresh and healthy ingredients
Sustainability - incorporates and promotes ethical, environmental and sustainable practices
Value - adds economic and cultural value to the city by activating open spaces and places

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* 4. Allocation of sites. The draft policy suggests that permits be issued for a maximum of six months at a time. Please state to what extent you agree with the following statements:

  Yes, I agree No, I do not agree I'm not sure
It is reasonable that the permits are valid for a maximum of six months
Where a site is unoccupied, permits should be issued on a first come, first served basis
If a site is occupied and no other applications have been received, a permit should be reissued to the existing permit holder
If a site is occupied and new applications have been received for the same site, it is reasonable that a selection panel reviews all the applications against the selection criteria to decide who gets the next six month permit
To ensure equity of access for new operators to popular sites, there should be no permanent permits for any operator
There should be exceptions to the six month permit if an operator has occupied the site for a long period of time

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* 5. Frequency of operation. At some sites, street food vans operate every day and at other sites the operator trades only once or a couple of times each week. Similarly, some operators trade only in the mornings or only in the evenings on any given day. 

Do you think additional permits should be issued to allow different food experiences at different times/days from the same site?

For example: If an operator trades in the mornings only, another operator could perhaps trade during the evening. Or if an operator trades on weekends only, another operator could trade on weekdays only. 

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* 6. Where street food vendors operate, there can be impacts on the surrounding area. Please state to what degree you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Yes, I agree No, I do not agree  I'm not sure
Street food vendors add positive amenity to an area
People visiting street food vendors often park illegally and can create a hazard
Street food vending attracts antisocial behaviour
I am frustrated by the noise of a generator if used by a street food vendor
Street food vendors can be noisy and affect the amenity of an area
Having street food vendors attracts more people to an area making it feel safer

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* 7. Please use this space to add any further comments about the Draft Street Food Policy:

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* 8. Please provide your email address if you would like to stay updated with news about the Council decisions about the Draft Street Food Policy.

Privacy Statement: The information requested in this survey is being collected by the City of Darwin for the purpose of community consultation on this project only. Any information collected will be confidential. Please email with any queries.