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Each year, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization selects transportation studies for the next year and transportation improvement projects for the next five years. These studies and projects help to shape transportation on Cape Cod. What is your vision for transportation on Cape Cod? 
Do you want to see more sidewalks? More bicycle paths? Increased bus service? Replacement of older bridges? Electric vehicle infrastructure? Safer roadways? 
Please share your thoughts by completing this brief survey. The results will help inform decision-making this year and in coming years. 

Question Title

* 1. Please let us know how important each of the following goals is to you by checking the appropriate box.​

  Important Not Important
Improve safety for vehicles, bicyclist, and pedestrians
Reduce vehicle congestion (time waiting in traffic)
Repair roads and bridges
Improve conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians
Improve bus service
More electric vehicle charging stations

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* 2. What do you think is the biggest safety issue or most dangerous location on Cape Cod?

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* 3. What locations do you think present the biggest challenges for bicyclists or pedestrians?

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* 4. What improvements to public transit service would you like to see?

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* 5. Please describe any transportation problems you experience.​

For example, please identify intersections you see crashes, places where new or improved sidewalks or crosswalks are needed, or times or places where you would like to see new or increased bus service.

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like to share about your vision for transportation on Cape Cod?

0 of 6 answered