Shoalhaven City Council has been working with the local community to determine an appropriate use for the Council owned parcel of land at Larmer Avenue, adjacent to the southern side of Cockrow Creek. It is widely acknowledged that the site is constrained for future development by some interesting environmental values. This opens up opportunities for passive recreation and conservation initiatives.  

A community steering committee was formed and has developed a draft concept plan that is sensitive to the natural values of the site, while providing for its use as a wetland conservation area.

The steering committee is seeking ideas and comments about the proposal and future potential uses of the site and what it means for the local community.

Question Title

* 1. Do you support the proposal for this area to be managed for conservation?

Question Title

* 2. What do you consider are acceptable activities in a conservation area?

Question Title

* 3. How would you use this area?

Question Title

* 4. Do you think disabled access is important?

Question Title

* 5. What benefits do you think the proposal will add to the local area? (select as many as you like)

Question Title

* 6. How important are these issues to you?

  Not important Important Extremely Important
Managing antisocial behaviour
Controlling trail bike riding
Provision of disabled access
Control of rubbish dumping
Access for walking
Control of weeds
Fire management
Protection of the shoreline

Question Title

* 7. How do you think the proposal will affect these issues?

  It will improve the current situation It will make the current situation worse It won't change anything
Managing antisocial behaviour
Controlling trail bike riding
Provision of disabled access
Control of rubbish dumping
Access for walking
Control of weeds
Fire management
Protection of the shoreline

Question Title

* 8. What measures do you think decrease antisocial behaviour?