Thank you for attending the 2015 NursingCAS & Admissions Workshop held in Omaha, NE on August 6, 2015. We appreciate your feedback, which will help us when developing future programs and improving the service.

Question Title

* 1. My overall learning objectives for attending this event were met.

Question Title

* 2. What is the single best aspect of this workshop?

Question Title

* 3. Please evaluate the main sessions and speakers:

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent N/A
Welcome and NursingCAS Overview
Presenter: Caroline Allen, NursingCAS Director, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Leveraging NursingCAS for Effective Enrollment Management
Presenter: Rolee Kelly, Student Services Director, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing
WebAdMIT Admissions Management Software Tutorial
Presenters: Christine "Chris" Ferraraccio, WebAdMIT Support Specialist, Liaison International and Bertrail Givens, Student Services Process Coordinator, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing

Question Title

* 4. Please evaluate the breakout sessions and speakers:

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent N/A
Group Discussion - Admissions from A to Z: Best Practices, Challenges and Strategies
Presenters: Hilda Mejia Abreu, PhD, Executive Director for Program Partnerships, Liaison International
WebAdMIT Training and Q&A for Current NursingCAS Users
Christine "Chris" Ferraraccio, WebAdMIT Support Specialist, Liaison International

Question Title

* 5. Please evaluate the optional activity (if you didn't attend please choose N/A):

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent N/A
Individual School Sessions on Specific WebAdMIT Questions

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your satisfaction with this workshop:

  1 - Not at all Satisfied 2 - Slightly Satisfied 3 - Moderately Satisfied 4 - Very Satisfied 5 - Extremely Satisfied

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your satisfaction with:

  1 - Not at all Satisfied 2 - Slightly Satisfied 3 - Moderately Satisfied 4 - Very Satisfied 5 - Extremely Satisfied N/A
Omaha, NE for Event Location
University of Nebraska Medical Center for Event Venue
Meeting Materials
Length and Format of Event

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any topic and/or speakers suggestions for the next workshop?

Question Title

* 9. As a result of this event, I would like to:

Question Title

* 10. If there is anything else that you would like to share, please comment below.