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* 1. School District No. 52 continues to work on the implementation of the Strategic Plan. This Plan is focused on Suwilaawksa – Learning, with specific emphasis on

· Indigenous Ways of Knowing

· Culture of Care

· Future Focused System

Please consider a student you know, and provide trustees with suggestions for the budget that will help that student succeed in school.
Please put one suggestion in each box.
Suggestion 1

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* 2. Suggestion 2

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* 3. Suggestion 3

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* 4. Suggestion 4

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* 5. In spite of the ongoing funding challenges, it is essential that the budget decisions made by the Board remain focused on the Strategic Plan.

What specific suggestions do you have to reduce spending that will have the lowest impact on students? Please put one suggestion in each box.
Suggestion 5:

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* 6. Suggestion 6

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* 7. Suggestion 7

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* 8. Suggestion 8

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* 9. Please provide any other comments you would like the trustees to consider when they approve the operating budget for 2023-2024.

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* 10. Are you a (please check all boxes that apply to you):

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