Salary and Careers Survey


Our Purpose: To investigate the salary and career development of learning and development (L&D) professionals within various companies and industries. 

Our Promise: As always, Training Industry, Inc. keeps individual survey data confidential. To thank you for your participation, you will receive an executive report summarizing survey findings.

Note: This survey will be asking you questions about your current job. If you currently have more than one job, please answer these questions based on your primary job or the job for which you work the most hours. 
About Your Job

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* 1. What is your employment status?

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* 2. What is your employment designation?

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* 3. On average, how many hours do you work each week?

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* 4. Which of the following best describes your current role within the L&D field?

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* 5. Which of the following best describes your previous role within the L&D field?

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* 6. What is your annual base salary (not including bonuses and benefits, if applicable) in U.S. dollars?

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* 7. When did you last receive a merit- or performance-based increase in base salary (a raise) for your current position?

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* 8. When did you last receive a bonus, separate from a raise?

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* 9. Please indicate your agreement with the following statements regarding your current job:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral  Agree Strongly agree
I often think of leaving the company.
It is very possible that I will look for a new job next year.
To me, my job is a very large part of who I am.
I can count on my supervisor/manager for support when I need it.
I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me in my job.
I cannot ever seem to catch up at work.
Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
I worry about my job security.
About Your Qualifications

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* 10. How many years have you been in the work force?

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* 11. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 12. Please rate your performance of each of the following training manager responsibilities:

  Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent N/A
Strategically align training programs with the organization's goals and objectives and obtain stakeholder support for imperative initiatives.
Efficiently and effectively optimize the processes associated with running a training organization.
Select and manage resources, including the employees, materials and vendors involved in the development and delivery of learning initiatives to the business.
Manage the technologies and technology-relevant personnel inherent in creating, managing and delivering training.
Perform the analysis required to understand the organization's real needs and to uncover business problems and issues.
Assess business and training performance to determine whether the training function is meeting the business' needs and improving the business' performance as expected.
Develop, deliver and refine learning solutions that meet business needs using a needs assessment and evaluative information.

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* 13. Which of the following professional development activities have you participated in during the last 12 months?

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* 14. Of the activities in which you participated, which of the following did you find most beneficial to your career?

About Your Career Goals

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* 15. Which of the following best describes your career goals? In other words, which of the following roles best describes where you see yourself in 5 years?

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* 16. Do you feel as though you have the skills required achieve your career goals within the L&D field?

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* 17. Which of the following statements best describes how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your career development?

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* 18. Which L&D topics do you feel you need more education on in order to advance in your career?

Demographic Information

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* 19. What gender do you identify as?

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* 23. Please complete the following if you would like us to receive an executive summary of the results at the conclusion of this project. Training Industry, Inc. keeps this information strictly confidential.