A survey on the economic inequalities facing survivors of color

Thank you for taking this Impact Assessment!

Want to discuss this assessment with someone? Contact us at info@csaj.org

What’s the purpose of this assessment?
This Impact Assessment aims to explore the unique barriers to economic stability that face survivors of color, native, indigenous, immigrant, and survivors from marginalized communities. It also seeks to lift up innovative and effective advocacy approaches you use to address these barriers and to enhance the economic wellbeing of survivors you work with.

You might be taking this assessment because:
  • You work with survivors and are using this as a tool to identify and think about some of the biases and other barriers that show up for survivors you work with. It might give you language or new ideas for targeting your advocacy towards systems change. It’s also could simply be a space to think about and sit with what you’re seeing and doing.
  • You are part of an organization doing this work. It might support new conversations about race, poverty, violence and bias amongst staff, think differently about what resources are available to and effective for survivors in your community, and help shape how you approach the work.
  • You manage programs or lead organizations and want a sense of what advocates and community partners working with survivors of color are seeing and doing. It might help identify gaps in the work, put a spotlight on barriers to safety and economic security, and the data could help start a conversation about collective action for community change.
This assessment is completely confidential – any identifying information we ask will not be shared or made public. 

Trigger Warning: Some questions discuss economic hardship and racial bias, and could be triggers for trauma. If you are adversely affected, please do what is best for you, including stopping at any time.

This Impact Assessment has 28 questions and should take you approximately 25 minutes to complete. If you’d prefer to have a conversation to complete the assessment or participate in a listening session, please contact us at info@csaj.org or call: 914-979-2725.

Want to get more involved?
We will be holding follow-up conversations with various groups to address the challenges and opportunities shared here. Please contact CSAJ at info@csaj.org if you’d like to participate or simply to stay in touch.

Thank you!