
Workforce Solutions for North Central PA welcomes you to the 2021 Manufacturing Wage and Benefit Survey. This survey includes the counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean and Potter. It is confidential and will be shared only with those who participate and return the survey within the designated timeline. Company information will remain confidential (name of person completing the survey, telephone number, etc.). Your participation is highly valuable for our region.

The survey will take no more than 20 - 25 minutes to complete. We will capture what is most relevant for employers in a post COVID workforce climate. The sections will include:

1.  Wage Survey Intro
2.  Confidentiality
3.  Company Information
4.  Company Size/Age
5.  Turnover
6.  Probationary Period
7.  Cost of Living Allowance/General Increase
8.  Incentive Plan 
9.  Allowances
10. Holidays
11.  Vacation
12. Bereavement
13. Premium Pay
14. Pension
15. Life Insurance
16. Health Insurance
17. Dental and Vision
18. Short/Long Term Disability
19. Wage Survey
20. Growth and Hiring Outlook

Companies are asked not to share results with other employers not participating in the survey. Workforce Solutions and the North Central Workforce Development Board are collecting and analyzing the survey on behalf of the region's Next Gen Manufacturing Industry Sector Partnership. Questions while completing the survey or the results should be directed to Terry Hinton, Business Engagement Coordinator, at 814 245-1835 ext. 106 or 

In order to maximize the reliability and validity of this survey, we are requesting that you answer all questions.  

Timeline: July 20, 2021 - Wage Survey Release
August 10, 2021 - Wage Survey Responses Due
August 10 - August 28, 2021 - Data Analysis
August 31, 2021 - Results Released

The results of this survey are confidential and should not be shared with fellow employers not participating in this project. 


Question Title

* 1. Company Information (this information will only be used to send the results of the survey)

Question Title

* 2. Primary Type of Manufacturing (choose one). If your company has more than one location or manufactures more than one type of product, you may choose other and explain.

Question Title

* 3. As of today, my company has how many employees?

Question Title

* 4. As of today, indicate the number of workers employed by your company.

Question Title

* 5. What is the average age of your workforce by type:

  Salaried & Non-Salaried combined
over 60

Question Title

* 6. Indicate the total number of employees as of July 1, 2021:

Question Title

* 7. Indicate the total number of employees as July 1, 2020:

Question Title

* 8. Does you company have a probationary period for new employees?

Question Title

* 9. If yes, what is the length of the probationary period in days?

Question Title

* 10. Does your company offer a COLA (cost of living allowance) for?

All Employees

Question Title

* 11. What is your company's "COLA" based on?

Question Title

* 12. What year was your company's last general increase?

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following benefits does your company offer?

Question Title

* 14. Please list any comments regarding incentives.

Question Title

* 15. Does your company offer the following allowances?

  Yes  No
Tuition Reimbursement
Clothing Allowance
Footwear Allowance
PPE Allowance
Service Award Recognition Program
Matching Gift Policy for employees who want to donate to a charity or non-profit
Thanksgiving Bonus
Christmas Bonus
Company Car for select employees
Individual Memberships to professional/work relevant organizations

Question Title

* 16. Which of the following paid holidays does your company offer?

Question Title

* 17. Regarding VACATION policy, what length/period of service is required to earn the following?

Question Title

* 18. Does your company offer sick time in addition to vacation time

Question Title

* 19. Can vacation time be:

  Yes No
Accumulated beyond the year it was earned?
Cashed out when leaving or retiring?
Cashed out at vacation anniversary?

Question Title

* 20. Can sick time be:

  Yes No
Accumulated beyond the year it was earned?
Cashed out when leaving or retiring?
Not applicable?

Question Title

* 21. Please describe significant differences between VACATION and/or SICK time policies for salaried vs. non-salaried employees if they exist.

Question Title

* 22. In your company's bereavement policy, how many paid/unpaid days are offered for the death of 

Question Title

* 23. In your company's bereavement policy how many .... for the death of 

Question Title

* 24. In your company's bereavement policy how many .... for the death of 

Question Title

* 25. In your company's bereavement policy how many .... for the death of 

Question Title

* 26. In your company's bereavement policy how many .... for the death of 

Question Title

* 27. How many hours is your company's typical shift?

Question Title

* 28. Does your company offer a shift premium?

Question Title

* 29. Does your company have a pension plan?

Question Title

* 30. Do the employees earn vested rights?

Question Title

* 31. Does your company offer group company paid life insurance to employees?

Question Title

* 32. What type of life insurance is offered?

Question Title

* 33. What percentage toward the premium does the employee pay?

Question Title

* 34. What is the probationary period for life insurance coverage?

Question Title

* 35. Does your company offer medical insurance?

Question Title

* 36. If Yes, which of the following are covered under this insurance?

  Yes No
Employee Only
Employee + One
Employee + Family

Question Title

* 37. What type of plan is offered?

Question Title

* 38. What percentage of health insurance premium does the employee pay?

Question Title

* 39. What is the cost of the deductible for your company's health insurance plan (be as descriptive as possible)

Question Title

* 40. What is the amount of the employee co-pay for the following?

  No co-pay 10 - 30.00 31 - 50.00 51 - 100.00 101 - 200.00 More than 200.00
Doctor Visit
Emergency Room

Question Title

* 41. Does your company offer the following?

  Yes No
Flexible Spending Account
Health Savings Account

Question Title

* 42. Does your company offer a dental plan?

Question Title

* 43. If Yes, which of the following are covered under dental insurance?

  Yes No
Employee Only
Employee + One
Employee + Family

Question Title

* 44. Does your company offer a vision plan?

Question Title

* 45. If Yes, which of the following are covered under vision insurance?

  Yes No
Employee Only
Employee + One
Employee + Family

Question Title

* 46. Does your company offer short/long-term sickness and accident benefit coverage 

Question Title

* 47. If yes, what percentage of short-term and/or long-term disability does the employee pay?

  None Under 25% 26 - 50% 51 - 99% 100%
Short-term disability
Long-term disability

Question Title

* 48. What is the number of weeks that benefits are paid?

  12 wks. 20 wks. 26 wks.
Short-term disability
Long-term disability

Question Title

* 49. What percent is the weekly short and long-term disability benefit?

  0 - 25% 26 - 59% 60 - 75% 76 - 99% 100%
Short-term disability
Long-term disability