Customer Satisfaction Survey
Listening to customers has always been important to us. Your feedback will help us better serve people like you!
How long have you been a customer of Recoil LLC?
Less than six months
Six months to a year
1 - 2 years
More than 2 years
I am not a customer
Overall, how satisfied are you with Recoil LLC?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not satisfied at all
How well do our services meet your needs?
Extremely well
Very well
Somewhat well
Not so well
Not at all well
How would you rate the quality of our services?
Very high quality
High quality
Neither high nor low quality
Low quality
Very low quality
How likely is it that you will use Recoil LLC for future projects?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
Overall, are you satisfied with the employees at Recoil LLC, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with them, or dissatisfied with them?
Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Moderately dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?