Welcome to My Survey

Hello and thank you for taking the time to complete my survey. It is brief and will take less than five minutes to complete.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information regarding how people use technology such as the internet, smartphones, or Kickit for their line dancing for a Research Methods class I am taking at Nova Southeastern University. I am still interested in your feedback even if you do not use technology for line dancing. I will only be collecting information and your name will not be revealed. 

This survey is part of a larger study looking the individual stories of long-time line dancers and also at how the use of technology may have led to the growth and popularity of line dancing. For example, learning dances taught by choreographers who live in other countries or using the internet to find places to dance when you visit another state/country. If you have been dancing for a long time and would be interested in sharing what you remember about the early days of line dancing, please contact me at cherrie.ali@gmail.com. 

Thank you for participating in the survey. Your feedback is important!
