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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What year did you graduate from Leadership Montana?

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* 3. Imagine the year 2033. Leadership Montana is 30 years old. What have we accomplished? The sky is the limit. We're thinking big here.

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* 4. Thinking about LMT in current time, what constituencies are missing from our work? Specifically, what people or places should we actively seek to include.

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* 5. Currently, what leadership gaps exist in Montana? 

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* 6. Thinking about the purpose and mission of other leadership groups in Montana, where does LMT overlap? As in, do you see any redundancies in programming?

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* 7. What would you like to see from Leadership Montana to help you continue to grow and apply what you learned in your Leadership Montana experience?

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* 8. Are you an active member of the Leadership Montana Alumni network? If so- how? If not- why not and what would engage you to be an active Alumni?