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* 1. FBG-BAAM Business ID Number

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* 2. What is your role in the Business?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes the industry or sector in which your business operates?

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* 4. Number of years in Business

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* 5. Number of permanent or full-time employees

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* 6. Business Designations

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* 7. Type of Business

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* 8. Business Revenue

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* 9. What is the Business's 5-digit zipcode?

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* 10. How is your Business structured?

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* 11. What unique knowledge, talent, or resources does your business offer?

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* 12. What do other people say your business does well?

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* 13. What is your business's greatest achievement?

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* 14. What disadvantages does your business have in regards to your competition?

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* 15. What customer complaints have you had about your service/product?

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* 16. What could you do today that isn’t being done? Is there a need in your business industry that is not being met?

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* 17. How is your field changing? How can you take advantage of those changes?

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* 18. Could any of your weaknesses prevent you from meeting your business goals? Who and/or what might cause problems in the future?

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* 19. Are there changes in your field or in technology that could threaten your business success ? If yes, what are they?