North Adams Community Memorial Library: Strategic Planning Survey 2024

North Adams Community Memorial Library: Strategic Planning Survey

Tell us what matters to you!
Please take a survey, fill it out and return it to the library through the mail, in person,
or in the Book Return. Surveys are available at the library, on the website, and through the Facebook Page, as well as around town. Surveys will be collected from March 1st, 2024, to April 1st, 2024.
Thank you!
1.How do you find out about library news and events? (Check all that apply)
2.Do you use any of the following services available with your library card? (Choose all that apply)
3.How often do you visit the North Adams Community Memorial Library? (Check all that apply)
4.If you DO NOT use the Library, why not? (Choose all that apply)
5.For what purposes do you use the Library? (Choose all that apply)
6.If you could improve upon the Library’s offerings, what would you like to see? (Choose all that apply)
7.Please list any other Adult or Children’s programming you would like to see at the library (please specify which age group)
8.What day and time would you be most likely to attend Adult Programming? (Check all that apply)
9.Do you engage with any of the following digital services? (Choose all that apply)
10.What is your age range?