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* 1. Please choose the gift you like.

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* 2. Please leave a 5 stars review for our product on Amazon, and then attach the screenshot of your review, thanks.

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* 3. Please tell us Your Amazon Order ID Number:
(Note: Please provide the correct Amazon order ID so that we can obtain the address information and send the gift to you quickly)

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* 4. Please tell us Your phone model:

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* 5. Please tell us Email Address:

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* 6. Please tell us Your phone number:

Additional Guidelines:
Thank you for choosing our product. Please take your time to read our customer additional guidelines. We want your voice to be heard, sharing your opinion of our product which will help other customers to make a better buying decision and help us improve our product analytics, we really appreciate your opinion.
To comply with Amazon community policy guidelines, you are not required to leave reviews or feedback on Amazon community.

If you have any questions please contact us at, our customer service will reply to your email promptly.