The CalSAAS "decoder" is the system's internal exception identification logic. The Commission has coded CALPADS assignments to corresponding credential authorization and subject combinations that are appropriately authorized for them.   

Decoder omissions will result in exceptions generated for educators that hold the appropriate authorization for an assignment.  If you encounter this scenario, you may determine the exception as an Appropriate Assignment, and then identify the authorization on this survey.

The Commission will review all entries at the end of this years' monitoring cycle, and adjust the system's coding prior to the beginning of the next one. 

Thank you for your help in improving the system!

Question Title

* 1. If you have CALPADS Code authorization additions, please include the 1) course code, 2) authorization, and 3) authorization subject combination you wish to add to the decoder in the text box below.

Question Title

* 2. If you have English Learner authorization additions, please include the 1) exception value, 2) authorization, and 3) authorization subject combination you wish to add to the decoder in the text box below.

Question Title

* 3. If you have Special Education authorization additions, please include the 1) exception value, 2) authorization, and 3) authorization subject combination you wish to add to the decoder in the text box below.