March 2024

Do you work at Djerring Flemington Hub, Incinerator Gallery, and/or Crown Street Stables? Then your conditions of work might be about to change.

As part of negotiations on your enterprise agreement, MVCC are proposing that your work should be covered by a section of the agreement that is currently called "Schedule C: Clocktower Centre". (The name of this section would be changed to cover your work area.)

We (the ASU) are in negotiations about this right now. But if the proposed change came into effect tomorrow, your conditions of employment would change.

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* 1. This survey is intended ONLY for staff who work in one of the following areas.
(Please select which of these areas you work in.) If you do not see your work area in this list, you can exit this survey.

Please answer the following questions about whether you agree with the changes that management is proposing:

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* 2. Under management’s proposal, your “span of hours” would be Monday-Sunday, 7am-12am. This does NOT mean that you have to work a 17-hour shift from 7am until 12am! But it DOES mean that if your shifts fall at any time between these hours, you do not get any penalty rates.

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* 3. Under management’s proposal, your roster can be changed with only 24 hours’ notice, and can vary freely from week to week:

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* 4. Under management’s proposal, your minimum shift would be 4 hours long

Thank you for your input! A few last questions from the ASU.

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* 5. Are you an ASU Member?

If you are NOT an ASU member, but you’re interested to find out more about the union or about the EA, please optionally provide your details here. These will NOT be given to your employer, and will NOT add you to an ongoing mailing list. They will be used to contact you ONCE to follow up on your request for further information.

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey...

For further information or have any questions please contact:
ASU Organiser Georgia Symons | 0477 666 328 |

The ASU is by your side.
Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at

“The ASU works to protect and advance the interests of its members and the industries they work in. From time to time, we may provide news and campaign updates to non-members who have provided us with their details via petition, survey, attendance sheet, or any other document where details are provided. You can unsubscribe from these updates at any time, and you can read our full privacy policy on the ASU Vic/Tas website.”

Authorised by Lisa Darmanin, Branch Secretary, ASU Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch
116 Queensberry Street, Carlton South, Victoria, 3053