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* 1. To be considered for an ASDA predental charter, please complete all fields below. ASDA's Predental Advisory Committee will review all requests twice a year: March 31 and September 30.

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* 2. University Name:

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* 3. Do you belong to a predental club at your school?

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* 4. Predental club name (if applicable):

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* 5. Estimated number of predentals at your school:

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* 6. Predental club website or Facebook page (if applicable):

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* 7. Please select from the following options:

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* 8. Why do you wish to form an ASDA predental chapter at your school? 

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* 9. As an ASDA predental chapter you will be required to meet the following: all members of your chapter must be national ASDA members, minimum of 10 chapter members, a chapter constitution and bylaws, a signed affiliation agreement, approval of a faculty member or pre-health advisor and a $50 application fee. Do you anticipate any issues in meeting these requirements?

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* 10. If yes, which requirement do you anticipate having an issue?