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* 1. What is the name of your tourism asset as it should appear on our website? (A tourism asset includes private businesses like kayak outfitters and boat tour companies, for example. It also includes non-profits like museums and historic sites. It includes all public town, county, state and federal outdoor areas of interest to visitors to the ESVA.)

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* 2. What is the street address of your tourism asset?

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* 3. What is the town of your tourism asset? Location information is very important so visitors can use their smart phones and GPS to locate it.

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* 4. What is the ZIP code of your tourism asset?

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* 5. What is the phone number for your tourism asset? Please format as follows: 7577878268

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* 6. What is the email address for your tourism asset?

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* 7. What is the URL for your business website (if applicable)?

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* 8. What is the URL for your tourism asset's Facebook page (if applicable)?

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* 9. What is the URL for your tourism asset's Instagram page (if applicable)?

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* 10. What is the URL for your tourism asset's TripAdvisor page (if applicable)?

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* 11. What is the URL for your tourism asset's Yelp page (if applicable)?

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* 12. Is this tourism asset open seasonally or year-round?

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* 13. How would you categorize your tourism asset?