Equalities Monitoring Form To support FST in meeting our commitments to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, we welcome your help and co-operation in completing this short Equal Opportunities Monitoring form. This allows us to anonymously collect information and monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment in relation to equal opportunities. This information is anonymously stored for statistical purposes only. It is kept separate to your application. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the information you provide will only be used for the purpose of equality monitoring and reporting (to our board of directors, members and funders.) You do not have to complete the Equal Opportunities Monitoring form. You also have the opportunity not to answer any of the questions as none of them are mandatory. Please select each or all that may apply to you. (This link is also included within the application form itself.)If you would like to discuss anything related to this monitoring form, please contact fiona.sturgeonshea@scottishtheatre.org. Question Title * 1. Position or opportunity applied for: Question Title * 2. Where did you first hear about this vacancy? This will help us target our promotion more effectively (please specify) Arts Hub Arts Jobs Creative Edinburgh Creative Scotland Opportunities Culture & Busines Scotland FST Website Good Moves ITC LinkedIn Monster.co.uk S1 Jobs SHP 4JOBS The Stage Total Jobs UK Theatre Word of Mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is your gender? Gender refers to how a person identifies on the inside. Only an individual can determine their own gender identity, and it does not need to be fixed (e.g. transgender, genderfluid, non-binary, cisgender-female, cisgender-male etc.) Question Title * 4. What is your sex? (e.g.: intersex, female, male etc.) Question Title * 5. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No Prefer not to say FST uses the social model of disability developed by disabled people which states that ‘people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference.’If you require any assistance or arrangements to attend an interview, we will discuss this with you if you are invited to interview. Next