Data Dream 2019 Application Information

Milwaukee-based volunteer neighborhood groups, churches and nonprofits are eligible to win $5,000 worth of free data support in this year's Data Dream contest.  
Applications are due Thursday, September 12th, 2019 at 11:00 pm.

Data You Can Use, with the support of local funders including the Zilber Family Foundation and Northwestern Mutual, will support the data needs of a Milwaukee neighborhood to achieve a data dream. 

Finalists will compete in the Data Tank at Milwaukee Data Day on Tuesday, October 22nd and have their projects reviewed by celebrity judges.  Northwestern Mutual staff will be coaching the finalists on pitching and storytelling in order to prepare.  Data Day 2019 will take place at the Cream City Labs. 

The goals of 2019 Milwaukee Data Day are to connect people who have data and people who need data.  The focus this year is on supporting and building stories around the data.

Selection process timeline:
   Thursday, September 12th: Applications are due
   Monday, September 23rd: Top finalists are notified, and connected with their Northwestern Mutual coaches
   Tuesday, September 24th - Friday, October 18th: during this time finalists will connect with their Northwestern Mutual coaches
   Tuesday, October 22nd: Data Day 2019!

Click "next" to continue with the short Data Dream application.