Trap Neuter Return Survey for Town of Pincher Creek/Lundbreck and Cowley

This survey is to help us look at the options of a TNR program in your neighborhood and try to get control of the Cat population in the Hot Spots around the towns. Your opinion matters!

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* 1. How many stray cats do you see in your neighborhood?

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* 2. Would you be interested in a TNR program in your neighborhood? (Trap/Neuter/Return - only return Feral cats. Adoptable ones would be rehomed and not returned. If you remove all cats more will move in, but if we can stop the breeding then the cats returned wont be having more babies and will keep mouse population down in towns and limit the new cats moving in. You will still get cats moving in but if the neighborhood monitors it we can deal with that new 1 or 2 cat right away.

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* 3. Would you be willing to support a TNR program, donate, volunteer to help with the capture/vet runs/educating the public on TNR/ canvassing the neighborhood or provide a colony spot or feed and monitor a colony after it has been vetted?

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* 4. What town are you in?

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* 5. If you want to leave your name and phone number to discuss TNR, ask questions or ways you want to help, someone will call you from the Pincher Creek Humane Society/SPCA if you like or call the Pincher Creek Humane Society/SPCA at 403-627-5191 and leave a message and someone will return your call. Mention TNR.

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* 6. Please check off the closest area of town you live in?