1. Customer Satisfaction Survey

We are dedicated to providing the finest services to you. Our primary goal is your satisfaction! Your opinion about services is very important. Please help us serve you better by answering the following questions:

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* 1. How would you rate our registration process?

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* 2. Did the program/event meet your expectations?

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* 3. Did the instructor/staff display professional and enthusiastic behavior?

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* 4. Was the staff courteous, knowledgeable and responsive?

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* 5. How would you rate the condition of the facility/park and equipment?

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* 6. What did you like most about this program/park/event?

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* 7. Do you have suggestions that might help the program/park/event improve?

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* 8. Overall Customer Satisfaction?

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* 9. How did you learn about the activities offered through Parks & Recreation?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments about our programs, events, services and performance?

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* 11. What other types of leisure classes or programs would you like to see the Parks & Recreation Department offer?