Curwensville's Plan will provide action-oriented strategies focused on community priorities.

Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.  We ask each respondent to complete the Survey only once.  Please note at the end of the survey your responses are not registered until you have answered the questions as requested and see the page with the word "Completed" on it.

Question Title

1. Which category best describes your age (please check one)

Question Title

2. Please identify the Community in which you live

Question Title

3. If applicable, where is your place of employment located

Question Title

4. If a Resident, please tell us why you choose to live in Curwensville; or If a visitor, please tell us what attracts you to Curwensville? (please check all that apply)

Question Title

5. What do you like most about Curwensville Borough? (Check no more than your top 3)

Question Title

6. Overall, what do you think are Curwensville Borough's major problems? (Check no more than your top 3)

Question Title

7. In planning for future development, how do you feel Borough officials should address the following (check one rating for each item)

  Promote Discourage
Residential development
Single family residential
Multi-family residential
Rental opportunities
Commercial/Business development
Retail/shopping opportunities
Sidewalk improvements/connections
Install signage to local assets
Home based businesses
Stormwater management
Industrial Development
Heavy industrial development
Light manufacturing development
Better walking/biking connections
Pedestrian/biking facilities
Irvin Park development
Connections to surrounding trails/recreation areas
Connections to heritage-nature resources
Open space/natural resource preservation

Question Title

8. How do you feel the Borough rates on each of the following “quality of life” issues? (Check strength or weakness for each issue)

  Strength Weakness
Visual/aesthetic quality of the area
Access to recreation areas
Access to heritage resources
Availability of retail choices
Availability of shopping choices
Availability of dining choices
Housing/property conditions
Biking/Walking Connections
Biking/Walking Facilities
Community leadership
Cost of living
Public safety
Availability of different housing types
Employment opportunities
Recreational opportunities
Sidewalk conditions/connections
Wooded areas and open spaces
Social/Cultural/Entertainment activities
Community pride
History and heritage
Civic/volunteer organizations
Reducing conflicting land development

Question Title

9. Identify which of the following you think local leaders should do/complete in the next 2-5 years. (Check your top 3 priorities)

Question Title

10. Which of the following would you like to see more of in the Borough? (Check your top 3 choices)

Question Title

11. How often do you use the following recreation areas?

  Never Daily Once a week Once a month A few times a year
Irvin Park
David S. Ammerman Trail
West Branch Susquehanna River
Curwensville Dam Recreation Area

Question Title

12. How aware are you of the following Nature-Heritage Resources?

  Not aware I have just heard of this - More Information is Needed I actively use this resource
Susquehanna River Greenway 
Susquehanna River Trail
Lumber Heritage Region
PA Wilds
Bilger's Rocks
PennDOT's West Branch Susquehanna River Byway

Question Title

13. How often do you Walk or Bike using the following?

  Never Daily/Weekly Couple times a month Sometimes, but not often
Sidewalks/Streets within the Borough
On the David S. Ammerman Trail
In Irvin Park

Question Title

14. If you would like to walk/bike more often; what is stopping you from doing so?

Question Title

15. Where would you want to have better Walking/Biking access? (choose all that apply)

Question Title

16. Which one of the following best characterizes your view on growth and development in the Borough?

Question Title

17. Which one of the following best characterizes your view on development regulations in the Borough?

Question Title

18. If only one (1) thing could be done to improve Curwensville Borough what do you think it should be?

Question Title

19. Please feel free to make any comments that you feel are relevant to the future of Curwensville Borough