The Carers' Experience Survey

The purpose of this survey is to capture carers' views and experience stories of NHS services in Leicester City.

Your story and survey will:
   -  assist the local health organisations to shape the way health services in Leicester City are planned, agreed,
      delivered, and monitored (whether in or outside of hospital),
   -  and identify how health care support received in the home and community could be improved and better
      targeted to meet patient and carer needs.

Any information collected will be treated in the strictest confidence. Once the completed survey has been submitted it will be received by the Corporate Affairs Team at the Leicester City Clinincal Commissioning Group (CCG) and may be collated with others and presented at future NHS organisation board meetings. 

 However, before completing the survey please read the section below about who we are referring to as carers:

For the purposes of this survey a 'carer' is defined as a person caring for someone who is ill or has a disability, whether a parent, sibling, child, relative or friend. 

Caring involves providing a variety of emotional and practical supports. This caring is generally unpaid and carried out on a voluntary basis. However, some carers will receive statutory benefits such as a carer allowance, direct payment or personal budget. Carers may also be in full-time or part-time employment.

This definition of 'carer' does not include any person who is a paid support worker or providing care as part of voluntary work under the auspices of a voluntary or social care organisation.

If you are a carer in Leicester City, as defined above, please share your story and views with us by completing this survey.