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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Do you have Children Playing Hockey at Crowfoot

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* 3. Preferred Coaching Level

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* 4. If not chosen for Head Coach, would you consider Assistant Coach role?

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* 5. Have you Head Coached before?

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* 6. Have you Assistant  Coached before?

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* 7. Playing Experience

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* 8. If you have coached before, please enter your last 3 roles?  ie Crowfoot 2017/2018 Atom 3

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* 9. Crowfoot Hockey adheres to the Fairplay rule for all divisions. Please describe your vision for ensuring players are exposed to a fun and safe environment

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* 10. Crowfoot Hockey expects coaches (Head and Assistant) to attend on ice coach development sessions throughout the year.  Are you able to commit to attending these on a monthly basis?

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* 11. Please add any additonal information you feel would be useful to the coach selection proces