This survey should take about 6 minutes to complete. Please try answer all questions.

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* 1. Have you crashed while riding a mountain bike?

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* 2. The routes you ride mostly (more than 70% of your rides), what describes them best?

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* 3. Describe what kind of mountain biker you are?

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* 4. What is your sex?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. Where do you live?

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* 7. When was your most recent mountain bike crash?

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* 8. What was the reason for your most recent mountain bike crash?

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* 9. How serious was your most recent crash?

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* 10. When was your worst mountain bike crash?

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* 11. What was the reason for your worst mountain bike crash

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* 12. How serious was your worst crash?

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* 13. Have you ever broken any bones in a mountain bike crash?

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* 14. If you have broken bones in a mountain bike crash, which were they? You may tick more than one

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* 15. Have you ever required stitches/staples to close a wound sustained in a mountain bike crash?

Question Title

* 16. Have you ever injured anything else in a mountain bike crash? You may choose more than one

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* 17. Have you ever required surgery under general anaesthetic to repair damage from a mountain bike crash?

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* 18. What is the longest time you have been off work/studies/school due to a mountain bike injury?

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* 19. Have you ever suffered from concussion as a result of a mountain bike crash?

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* 20. If you have suffered from concussion as a result of a mountain bike crash, how long were you affected by the concussion afterwards?

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* 21. Are you covered by medical aid?

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* 22. Is your bike insured?

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* 23. Have you ever done a skills clinic?

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* 24. Have you become a more cautious/slower rider since your worst crash?

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* 25. Have you ever broken your helmet in a crash?

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* 26. Tick the most appropriate to you: The risk of crashing as a mountain biker...

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* 27. How often do you tend to crash (minor and major crashes)

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* 28. Do you wear reflective/hi-vis clothing when riding?

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* 29. If you do wear reflective/hi-vis clothing when riding, when is the most likely time you wear it?

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* 30. Do you use a front light at all when riding?

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* 31. If you use a front light when riding, even occasionally, what brand do you use?

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* 32. Do you use a rear light at all when riding?

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* 33. If you use a rear light when riding, even occasionally, what brand do you use?

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* 34. When buying a light, does brand name affect your choice?

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* 35. When buying a light, does number of lumens affect your choice?

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* 36. When buying a light, does price affect your choice?

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* 37. What brand of helmet do you currently wear (if you have more than one, name the brand most worn)?

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* 38. When buying a helmet, does brand name affect your choice?

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* 39. When buying a helmet, does the inclusion of special protection technology, such as Wavecel or MIPS, affect your choice?

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* 40. When buying a helmet, does colour affect your choice?

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* 41. Other than when it's obviously damaged, how often do you replace your helmet?

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* 42. If you're keen to go into the draw for one of two Bontrager hampers worth R5150 each, include your email address here.
Each hamper includes:
A Bontrager Rally/Specter Wavecel helmet - worth R3000
A Bontrager Ion Comp headlight - worth R1400
A Bontrager Flare R City rear light - worth R750

Question Title

* 43. Tick this box to confirm that for POPI purposes, you consent to TREAD and TREK/Bontrager sending you marketing via email. If you don't tick, you will still go into the draw (as long as we have your email address), just not onto a database.