Question Title

* 1. Contact information

Question Title

* 2. What are your normal days and hours of operation?

Question Title

* 3. Please enter your business website URL, if you have one.

Question Title

* 4. Do you use social media for your business?  If so, please list any of the following that your business actively uses, and include account username(s): Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, SnapChat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, other.
For example:
Twitter, @CityofCoweta

Question Title

* 5. What year did your business open?

Question Title

* 6. What does your business do, and what makes your business unique?

Question Title

* 7. Why THIS business venture? Tell us why you do what you do.

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* 8. Why did you choose to be in Coweta?

Question Title

* 9. What is one thing you think would surprise people the most about your business?

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* 10. May we interview you on video about your business?

Question Title

* 11. Program Parameters

All features will be chosen by a random selection. 

Those who have been featured will be taken out of the selection pool to allow others the chance to be featured.

There is no cost to participants in this City of Coweta program.

This form is your application -- and consent -- to be part of this program.

You agree to have either photos of your business or video of your business, taken by the City of Coweta Coweta's Own team, shot, for use in this program and in the future by the City of Coweta for economic development or marketing purposes.

Coweta's Own features will be visible on City of Coweta social media accounts as well as added to the City of Coweta website.

Businesses have the right to review a draft of their feature before publication.

All images and content, including the information on this form, become the property of the City of Coweta and may be used for the Coweta's Own program and other City of Coweta marketing or economic development efforts.