The COVID-19 public health crisis has shuttered a predominant number of the systems and  institutions that our nation’s employers rely on to upskill our future workforce. The rapid response to the coronavirus pandemic has led to the closures of community-based organizations and valuable, hands-on skills training programs. It has eliminated or limited access to most college campuses and K–12 schools, as well as the career specialists and counselors at those locations who provide youth and young adults with guidance on their career trajectories and resources to advance their careers and further their education.

LeadersUp is a nonprofit talent development accelerator that connects employers with the untapped potential of the next generation of diverse talent. Our objective is to provide talent development professionals and institutions, like yours, with innovative evidence-based practices to meet employers’ and young job seekers’ needs, and to drive an inclusive recovery.

Please respond to the survey questions as best and as forthright as you can. Your responses will provide valuable insights that will inform the ways in which we expand the capacity of talent development organizations and future-proof the young adults you serve. 

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Name of organization

Question Title

* 2. Location

Question Title

* 3. Average number of young adults served annually

Question Title

* 4. Type of organization

Question Title

* 5. What percentage of young adults that you serve are young
adults of color?

Question Title

* 6. How concerned are you that your organization will experience serious funding cuts as a result of COVID-19?

Question Title

* 7. Prior to COVID-19, how has access to the following resources changed for the young adults you serve:

  Less accessible Unchanged  More accessible
Job readiness skills (soft skills training) 
Training/apprenticeship programs
Post-secondary/college opportunities
Trade school/vocational opportunities 
Workforce development resources that connect job seekers to work
Social/Economic support programs (work supports)

Question Title

* 8. How would you rank the following agencies' responsibility in preparing young adults to enter the workforce? (1 - Highest responsibility, 6 - Lowest responsibility)

Question Title

* 9. In your opinion, what are the top three job readiness and/or workforce development skills that young adults currently lack?

Question Title

* 10. Rate your organization's ability to serve young adults in the following PRIOR to COVID-19

  Very poor Below average Average Above average Excellent
Connect job seekers to employment opportunities
Provide high-quality job readiness and employability training
Provide and/or connect job seekers to social and economic supports (e.g., public assistance)
Provide and/or connect job seekers to affordable postsecondary education programs that lead to a credential
Provide effective coaching to young adults to keep them connected to the labor market

Question Title

* 11. Rate your organization's ability to serve young adults after COVID-19

  Very poor Below average Average Above average Excellent
Connect job seekers to employment opportunities
Provide high-quality job readiness and employability training
Provide and/or connect job seekers to social and economic supports (e.g., public assistance)
Provide and/or connect job seekers to affordable postsecondary education programs that lead to a credential
Provide effective coaching to young adults to keep them connected to the labor market

Question Title

* 12. What measures has your organization taken, or plans to take, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak?

Question Title

* 13. What resources has your organization provided, or plans to provide, young adult job seekers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Question Title

* 14. How likely will your reliance on virtual solutions increase as a result of COVID-19?

Question Title

* 15. How helpful will a virtual talent development and digital training solutions be for your organization post-COVID-19?

Question Title

* 16. What challenges have you experienced or foresee in implementing virtual talent solutions at your organization?

Question Title

* 17. What innovative strategies, practices or programs has your organization implemented to prepare young people for employment opportunities as a result of COVID-19?

Question Title

* 18. Rate the impact that each barrier has on employment for young adults of color in your community

  No effect Large effect
Lack of basic skills needed to secure quality entry-level jobs with benefits
Access to entry-level jobs with benefits
Access to jobs located within acceptable commute times
Access to jobs with career advancement opportunities
Discriminatory hiring practices by employers
Prior justice-involvement and/or criminal history
Lack of social support needed to secure, retain and advance employment opportunities
Lack of access to social and economic supports

Question Title

* 19. In your opinion, what percentage of young adults of color served do not have consistent access Wi-Fi and/or a personal computer?

Question Title

* 20. How important are the following resources to young adults post-COVID-19?

  Not at all important Slightly important Unsure Important Very important
Social and economic resources and support (e.g., food access, health insurance, housing assistance, child care assistance, unemployment insurance)
Affordable post-secondary education opportunities
Affordable job readiness and soft skills training and development programs
Assistance with applying for healthcare insurance benefits and/or access to health and wellness resources
Assistance from job readiness coaches, mentors and other caring adults with finding employment opportunities
Assistance with applying for unemployment insurance
Technology support (e.g., access to computers and broadband internet services) to conduct job readiness and workforce development training and connect to employment opportunities

Question Title

* 21. How would you like to stay connected with LeadersUp?

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* 22. If you answered “Yes” to any question above, please share your contact information.