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The Impact of Covid-19

We would like to invite you to participate in our study about the experiences, concerns and support needs of people on dialysis and kidney transplant recipients who have been cocooning due to Covid-19.

Who can take part?
Any transplant recipient / person on dialysis aged 18yrs and over, living in Ireland, who has been advised or has chosen to cocoon due to Covid-19 can take part. We are equally interested in the views of people who decided to cocoon and those who did not (or who started cocooning and then gave it up).

How long will completion take?
Completion of this survey should not take longer than 20 minutes. 

Do I have to take part?
No. It is entirely up to you whether you choose to take part, or not.

Is my participation anonymous and confidential?
You do not have to provide your name or contact details in order to complete the survey. 

The information you give us will be kept confidential within the project team. We will store it on a password protected computer and will not sell it. 

Can I withdraw my data from the study at a later date?
As the survey is completed anonymously, we cannot withdraw your data once you have entered it. Please note that partially completed surveys may also be used. 

What will happen to the data?
We will share the results of the survey widely, including with health professionals and policy makers. We hope that this will help them to improve support for patients who are ‘cocooning’ and their families, now and in the future.  

Once the survey has finished, the data will be stored on a password-protected computer at Donor House.

Are there any risks involved?
There are no risks to your health and personal safety from taking part in this study. You are free to omit any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. 

If you would like to receive a copy of the survey results please be sure to include your email address at the end of the survey.

Who can I contact if I have any queries?
The research is being conducted by the Irish Kidney Association. You can contact the project coordinator; Colin White (

Thank you for taking the time to consider participating in our research.

Question Title

* 1. By clicking the button below, you agree to take part in the survey and you acknowledge that: your participation in the study is voluntary; you are at least 18 years of age; you are aware that you may choose to stop filling in the survey at any time and for any reason, but that any answers you have already given may still be used.

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* 2. Please describe your current treatment for end stage kidney disease.

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* 3. If you attend a hospital or satellite dialysis unit, did your transport change to help you adhere to social distancing?

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* 4. What is your current arrangement for your transport to and from dialysis?

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* 5. Have any changes been made to your dialysis (e.g. treatment cancelled, time changed or have you moved to another centre)?

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* 6. How easy or difficult have you found attending your usual dialysis treatment sessions and appointments while cocooning?

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* 7. If you are on peritoneal dialysis, home haemodialysis or transplanted, when did you start cocooning?

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* 8. If you attend hospital or satellite dialysis you obviously cannot cocoon completely. However, when at home do you abide by the principles of cocooning?

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* 9. What was your main reason for starting to 'cocoon'?

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* 10. How difficult have you found each of the following recommended cocooning activities?

  Extremely easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor difficult Moderately difficult Extremely difficult N/A
Not leaving my home at all
Not attending any family gatherings
Strictly avoiding contact with people who have symptoms of Covid-19
Spending as little time as possible with other people living in my home
Avoiding contact with other people in shared spaces inside my home (eg. kitchen, bathroom and sitting area)
When in contact with people in my home keeping 2m away from them

Question Title

* 11. How easy or difficult have you found each of the following recommended cocooning activities?

  Extremely easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor difficult Moderately difficult Extremely difficult Not applicable
Eating meals alone
Having cooking utensils, cutlery and crockery that only I use
Regularly washing my hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
Encouraging others in my home to follow advice recommended for people who are cocooning
Finding somewhere inside or just outside my home to have a smoke (if applicable)
Avoiding cigarette or cigar smoke inside or just outside my home

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* 12. Have you consciously chosen not to follow any elements of the cocooning guidance?

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* 13. If you answered yes to question 12, which element(s) and why?

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* 14. During cocooning how easy or difficult do you find the following?

  Extremely easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor difficult Moderately difficult Extremely difficult Not applicable
Being able to look after my children or other family members
Being able to look after my pets
Being able to undertake any other caring responsibilities I usually have
Staying in touch with family and friends
Keeping entertained
Being able to continue working

Question Title

* 15. During cocooning how easy or difficult have you found the following?

  Extremely easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor difficult Moderately difficult Extremely difficult Not applicable
Being able to take time off work if needed
Managing financial commitments
Being able to practice my religion (if any) as usual
Getting food and other household essentials delivered
Eating healthily
Following any special diet required for my End Stage Kidney Disease

Question Title

* 16. During cocooning how difficult or easy have you found the following?

  Extremely easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor difficult Moderately difficult Extremely difficult
Getting any personal assistance (eg with washing, dressing and cleaning my home) I usually received
Being able to maintain my usual level of physical activity or exercise
Getting my medication/treatment and any related supplies/equipment as usual
Looking after my End Stage Kidney Disease as well as usual
Staying positive day to day
Staying positive about the future

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* 17. How, if at all, has cocooning affected your relationship(s) with those around you?

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* 18. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Moderately agree Neither agree nor disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
I am worried about the risks that Covid-19 poses to me
I am worried about the number of deaths from Covid-19 amongst people with End Stage Kidney Disease
I am worried about the number of deaths from Covid-19 amongst people with whom I share other personal characteristics (such as age, sex, ethnicity)
Cocooning is necessary for me

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* 19. Have you received information about Covid-19 and cocooning?

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* 20. If yes, please indicate all sources you have received information from:

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* 21. Please comment on how useful you found your source(s) of information and advice.

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* 22. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Moderately agree Neither agree nor disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
Information and advice about cocooning has been timely
Information and advice about cocooning has been clear and concise
Information and advice about cocooning has been trustworthy
There has been enough information and advice about cocooning in general
There has been enough information and advice about cocooning specific to people living with End Stage Kidney Disease
At the start of 'lockdown' in Ireland there was enough information and advice for people who needed to cocoon

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* 23. Have you received any practical support (e.g. with shopping, delivery of medications, getting to GP/hospital appointments, etc) whilst cocooning?

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* 24. Have you had to break cocooning in order to shop for groceries, to collect medications or essential supplies for your End Stage Kidney Disease?

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* 25. If you are currently unable to work because you are cocooning, have you received financial assistance?

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* 26. Overall, how would you rate the quality of support provided to people who are cocooning and their families from...?

  Poor Quite poor Neither poor nor good Quite good Very good
Local Council
Charities and patients' organisations in general
General Practice

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* 28. Please indicate which of the following best describes your current living situation?

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* 29. Please tell us...

  Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you have access to a room in your home where you could self isolate, if needed?
Do you have access to a garden or other outside space while cocooning?

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* 30. Has anyone living in your home been leaving the house for work?

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* 31. Is anyone living in your home working directly with people who have/are suspected of having Covid-19?

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* 32. If yes, how does this affect your ability to cocoon?

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* 33. Do you think your current living situation increases the risk of you getting Covid-19?

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* 34. Is there anything else about your current housing situation that stops you from being able to cocoon effectively?

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* 35. Do you need to leave your home in order to receive dialysis or to have bloods taken?

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* 36. If Yes,

  Yes No Don't know
Do you think that having to do this increases your risk of getting Covid-19?
Have you chosen not to attend any routine treatment sessions because you are worried about your risk of doing so?

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* 37. Have you had any scheduled consultations with your usual health care team while cocooning?

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* 38. If yes, how were these conducted? Tick as many as apply.

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* 39. How would you describe your level of contact with your usual healthcare team while cocooning?

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* 40. Are there any teams or support services that you usually access to help you manage your health condition/s that you have been unable to access due to COVID-19?

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* 41. If yes, which? Tick as many as apply.

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* 42. If there have been any changes made to your usual care, do you think these have made your medical condition(s) worse?

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* 43. Have you had to attend your general practice or a hospital (usual care team or accident & emergency/casualty department) ?

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* 44. If yes, did you delay seeking help, even when you knew your condition was getting worse?

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* 45. Hows does your physical activity during cocooning compare with how it was previously?

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* 46. How important do you consider being physically active to be for the management of your health condition?

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* 47. How does your mood during cocooning compare to how it was before?

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* 48. Have you received any help or support for your mental/emotional well-being during cocooning?

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* 49. With restrictions being relaxed, are you still cocooning?

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* 50. If you are still cocooning, how long are you going to continue to do so?

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* 51. What will you do if there is a recommendation that you should carry on cocooning beyond when you were planning to stop?

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* 52. How concerned are you about the following?

  Extremely concerned Moderately concerned Slightly concerned Not at all concerned Don't know Not applicable
that there is still a risk to my health from Covid-19 when I stop cocooning
that support for people who are cocooning (from government or other sources) will cease to exist once the 'lockdown' is lifted
that people with End Stage Kidney Disease will no longer be recognised as extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 once the 'lockdown' is lifted
that people in my home returning to work may increase my risk of being infected by Covid-19 (if applicable)  
that when children in my home return to school it may increase my risk of being infected by Covid-19 (if applicable)
that my employer / university / college will no longer support me cocooning once 'lockdown' is lifted

Question Title

* 53. How concerned are you about the following?

  Extremely concerned Moderately concerned Slightly concerned Not at all concerned Don't know Not applicable
that my employer/university/college does not understand the difference between 'social distancing' and 'cocooning'.
that I will no longer be able to work from home once 'lockdown' is lifted (if applicable)
that I will regularly need to use public transport (train / bus / Luas) to get to work when I am no longer cocooning (if applicable)
that I will need to carry on my cocooning whilst my family / friends / colleagues return to the 'new normal'
that my health condition(s) will worsen if I have to carry on cocooning much longer
that my overall physical well-being will worsen if I have to carry on cocooning much longer
that my mental health will worsen if I have to carry on cocooning much longer

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* 54. How do you think the government should manage the 'exit strategy' for people who are cocooning?

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* 55. Is there anything you would like to add regarding 'cocooning' or your experiences?

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* 56. We’d like to continue by asking you some more questions about yourself. We understand that Covid-19 seems to be affecting some people differently from others and that particular personal circumstances have made cocooning harder for some people than others.

You don’t have to tell us anything that you don’t want to. 

What is your age?

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* 57. What gender do you identify as?

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* 58. What is your marital status?

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* 59. Do you have any children (under 18 years old) living at home, including foster children?

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* 60. Do you have any other medical conditions?

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* 61. Which of these best describes your current situation?

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* 62. What is the highest level of education you have obtained?

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* 63. What county do you live in?

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* 64. How would you describe where you live?

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* 65. Are you an informal (unpaid) carer for someone else?

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* 66. Are you personally in receipt of paid social care, such as carers, support workers or personal assistants?

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* 67. If yes, has this been impacted by COVID-19?

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* 68. If you would like to receive a copy of the results of this survey please give us your email address below. Your email will not be used for any other purpose.

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* 69. Thank you so much for participating in our survey, this is the end of the survey.

Please contact the Irish Kidney Association if this survey has raised any questions or issues for you that you would like addressed.

(Just click the next button one more time and you will exit the survey)