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Question Title

* 1. Which of the Cottage Food Technical Assistance videos did you view?

Question Title

* 2. Analyze the usefulness of the following strategies to reach new customers with your cottage food product(s). What do you think will be most effective in your business?

  least effective somewhat effective highly effective N/A
Utilizing the consumer marketing funnel to craft messages for targeted audiences
Creating high quality photos
Utilizing social media for advertising and marketing
Incorporating online payments
Creating an additional cottage food product

Question Title

* 3. After watching the technical assistance video series, please rate to what extent you have the knowledge you need to utilize marketing principles, high quality photos, and low-cost advertising to increase sales of your cottage food products.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your knowledge of the following topic PRIOR/AFTER to the TA video:

- ability to distinguish between online sales and online payment, as compliant with Cottage Food regulations

  little or no knowledge moderate knowledge complete knowledge N/A
PRIOR to watching the video series
AFTER watching the video series

Question Title

* 5. What additional training would help you to increase sales?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the overall usefulness of the video series toward helping you increase sales of your cottage food products.

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