UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Expert Meeting on Implementing National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) at Subject Level will gather experts from Asia-Pacific to assess how to develop relevant subject benchmarks for quality higher education. Building on the importance of National Qualifications Frameworks, subject-specific benchmarks set out expectations about standards in a range of subject areas (e.g. educational studies and cultural heritage management). Such tools aim to serve as a regional quality reference document at subject level and raise important challenges from their development to implementation. In collaboration with UNESCO, invited guests and researchers can help take stock of diverse needs and shape the development of quality standards in Asia-Pacific.

Meeting objectives:
1. Assess the diverse norms and principles of how higher education institutions develop subject-specific quality standards in the Asia-Pacific region;
2. Take stock of subject-specific quality tools in educational studies and cultural heritage management (post-graduate education in selected countries in Asia-Pacific);
3. Develop a research framework to inform regional guidelines on implementing NQF at subject level.

Requests to attend will be accepted through 1 November 2017. There is no conference fee to join. Due to limited space, please submit your request to attend in English and wait for final confirmation from our staff. If funding for travel, hotel and meals is required, please explain your situation and needs below. Due to limited funds, cost-share is important whenever possible.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Nationality

Question Title

* 3. Institution

Question Title

* 4. Job title (position)

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* 5. Email address

Question Title

* 6. Please explain why you would like to participate in the conference.

Question Title

* 7. Do you need funding support for international travel, hotel and meals? Please answer this question to let us know your needs. Unfortunately, there are no funds available for ground transportation. Due to limited funds, cost-sharing is important wherever possible.

Question Title

* 8. If you need funding support, please explain why.

Thank you!