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The Joint Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee invites you to participate in a short online survey about your experiences and perception around well-being and safety as a resident of your community.    

This anonymous survey will take about 5 minutes to do and the results will help service providers improve the quality of living in the community.  You can choose not to do the survey, and can stop at any time. You can also skip any question or quit the survey at any time with no consequences to you. This survey does not seek to identify you or others so please do not use any names or other identifiers in your answers. The information you provide in this survey is voluntary.  If you do complete the survey, the answers you provide will be kept confidential. Your information will only be disclosed as permitted or required by law. 

Please be aware that information related to your response to the survey is stored by Survey Monkey, and is governed by the Survey Monkey Terms of Use. We will not connect your responses with you; however, due to Survey Monkey processes, we can’t guarantee that no personal identifiers such as an ISP address are being recorded as part of this survey.  The information on Survey Monkey servers will be subject to the laws of a jurisdiction outside of Canada.

To allow for survey analysis, the information stored by Survey Monkey will be exported to secure servers at NWHU.  However the data may remain on Survey Monkey servers for up to 12 months, after which they are deleted permanently. 


Question Title

* 1. What community do you live in?

Question Title

* 2. How long have you lived in your community?

Question Title

* 3. Were you born in Canada?

0 of 28 answered