Over the next few months (April-June), the Central Coast Friends of Democracy (CCFoD) will be surveying local residents about their views of Council, the service, information and level of community engagement that they provide.

If you would like to be kept informed – or help with the survey – then please register below.

You can volunteer as little or as much as suits you. We appreciate any time that you can give!

Question Title

* 1. Contact details (optional):

Question Title

* 2. I would like to be kept informed about the "Community Views - Our Council" survey:

Question Title

* 3. I would like to help with the survey by:

Question Title

* 4. If you have offered to help, please indicate your availability in terms of time - and location (eg. suburb) where you could help:

Question Title

* 5. I would like to be added to receive the occasional eNewsletter from the Friends of Democracy:

Question Title

* 6. Any other comments?