1. Williamson County Flood Protection Plan - Citizen Survey

25% of survey complete.
CITIZEN FLOOD HAZARD QUESTIONNAIRE - The Williamson County Office of Emergency Management together with the watershed stakeholders within the County are developing the Williamson County Flood Protection Plan (CFPP). Please take the time to answer the following survey questions relating to your community plan. The answers to this survey will assist us in identifying local values and understanding the general attitude about the hazards and risks related to flooding in your community.  The information you provide will help coordinate activities to reduce the risk of injury or property damage in the future.

You will be asked if your home is located in a floodplain. If you do not know, or are not sure, please check the following sources:
This survey consists of 23 questions and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

The Williamson County CFPP Core and Stakeholder Committees thank you in advance for providing your feedback through this survey.  Please contact our staff by email to laura.johnston@tetratech.com with follow-up questions, comments or concerns. 

Question Title

* 1. You will be asked if your home is located in a floodplain. If you do not know, or are not sure, please check the following sources:

-Williamson County Interactive Flood Maps: http://gis.wilco.org/maps/?viewer=floodzone
-FEMA NFIP Website: https://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/- The "One-Step Flood Risk Profile" provides a quick indication of your location with respect to delineated floodplains.