The City needs your input! Commerce is developing its Parks Master Plan in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan. This plan will help identify priorities for parks and recreation for the next 5-10 years. Please take a few minutes to provide your opinion about the future of Commerce parks and recreation.
This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Please encourage your family and neighbors to participate as well! The survey will close on Monday, December 16th, at 5 p.m.

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied overall are you with the parks and recreational opportunities in Commerce?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the City in the following categories?

  Severely lacking Needs work Could be better Pretty good Great!
The overall appearance of parks
The overall safety of parks
The overall maintenance of parks
Having parks conveniently located in all areas of the city
Having parks that are accessible/useable for all ages and all abilities
The variety of amenities offered in parks
The quality of amenities offered in parks
The quality of athletic amenities (i.e., fields and courts)
The amount of publicly accessible trails
The amount of publicly accessible natural areas

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied are you with recreational programming opportunities in Commerce for people in the following age groups?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Young children
Children, ages 5-8
Children, ages 9-12
Teens, ages 13-18
Young adults, ages 19-30
Adults, ages 31-55
Senior adults, ages 55+

Question Title

* 4. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you feel that you have access to enough high-quality park space within a 10-minute walk of your home? (1= Definitely not enough, 5 = Perfect amount)

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. In the past year, how often have you or your family participated in or utilized the following?

  Never or Rarely Yearly Monthly Weekly Multiple times a Week
Visited a City park
Visited a natural area
Attended a community event in a park
Participated in a youth athletic league
Used a shelter or picnic pavilion in City parks
Used an athletic field/court at a City park
Used a playground in City parks
Used the splash pad
Used the skate park
Used the dog park
Visited the Commerce Public Library
Participated in a program provided by the Commerce Public Library
Used a Texas A&M Commerce recreation facility

Question Title

* 6. What keeps you from using the parks and recreation facilities in Commerce more often? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. What are your and your family’s favorite recreational activities? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. If you or your family members participate in an athletic league, which one(s) do you participate in?

Question Title

* 9. Which parks or facilities do you walk or bike to regularly? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely would you be to walk or bike to a park or recreation facility, assuming it was close enough and had comfortable bike/pedestrian routes? (1= Not likely at all, 5 = Extremely likely)

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 11. How important is it for the following amenities to be provided in Commerce parks and recreation facilities?

  Unwanted Not Important Neutral Important Very Important
Community gardens
Dog parks
Indoor recreation opportunities
Landscaping, general greenery
Multipurpose fields
Outdoor event space (e.g., amphitheater)
Pavilions, multipurpose
Picnic amenities, grills
Playground, ADA accessible
Shade trees
Sports courts/fields
Quiet seating areas
Walking paths, natural trails
Walking paths, paved
Water, splash pads
Water, swimming pools

Question Title

* 12. Which age group do you feel has the greatest need for recreational programming? Rank your answers from 1 to 7.

Question Title

* 13. How important is it for the City to provide or support the following types of recreational opportunities?

  Not Important at All Not Important Undecided Important Very Important
Youth athletics
Adult athletics
Children’s programming
Senior programs (e.g., senior dances, game night)
Arts programs (e.g., painting)
Nature programs (e.g., guided nature walks)
Health and fitness programs (e.g., Zumba, yoga)
Seasonal programs (e.g., summer camps)
Special events (e.g., annual festivals)

Question Title

* 14. How important do you consider each of the following potential actions the City could take?

  Not Important at All Not Important Undecided Important Very Important
Renovate existing park amenities to improve condition, lighting and accessibility.
Add new amenities to existing parks.
Provide more athletic fields.
Build an amphitheater/ outdoor event space.
Build trails to connect neighborhoods, parks, schools and retail.
Develop new parks.
Support recreational programs for children and youth.
Support recreational programs for adults.
Support recreational programs for seniors.
Provide more special events and festivals.

Question Title

* 15. What is the City’s greatest parks and recreation asset?

Question Title

* 16. What is the City’s greatest parks and recreation challenge?

Question Title

* 17. To meet the needs of Commerce residents, the City may require additional funding for parks and recreation. How strongly would you support or oppose the following financing strategies?

  Strongly Oppose Oppose Undecided Support Strongly Support
Increase the City’s budget for parks and recreation, even if that necessitates a proportional decrease in other areas of the City’s budget.
Increase fees for those who use maintenance-intensive or specialized recreation facilities.
Increase fees for recreational programming.
Increase rental fees for park facilities.
Raise funds for new facilities through a bond initiative.

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any other thoughts or comments about the future of parks and recreational programming in Commerce?